The Tradition Of Sending Christmas Cards

How many of your send Christmas cards during the Christmas season to family and friends? While the art of sending Christmas cards is not as popular as it once was — the history behind it may have you thinking about igniting this tradition for yourself and your family this year.

The Early Origins of Christmas Cards

The tradition of sending these cards started back in 1843 in England. The story is that a busy nobleman didn’t have the time to send personal handwritten letters to everyone to wish them a Merry Christmas. So, he commissioned a local artist to paint a card that he would then send to his friends and families as a way to wish them a Merry Christmas. Once everyone saw this happening, it born a huge tradition.

While the card itself was decorated, many people still took the time to write a handwritten message into these cards. But, why were they doing this? They found that it made it more personal and that those who were recipients of the cards knew that they were definitely in the minds of those who were sending them. Now, we have cards that have messages on the inside of these that people send. And there are even more people that send e-cards to those on their list. However, if you truly want to make the Christmas spirit come to life, you may want to consider sending a card in the mail with not only the message printed inside of it but also a small handwritten note to let others know that you are thinking about them.

Unique and Creative Ideas for Christmas Cards That Stand Out

What do these handwritten notes inside of cards contain? Pretty much anything that you could think of. However, here are some examples that you may find to be helpful:

1. If the person has sent a gift, return a card with a thank you note inside and explain how much you enjoyed the gift.

2. For those who have been ill, inquire about their health and wish them a speedy recovery and a joyous Christmas.

3. Include details about the family that they may not have known — this works better for older people who may not be active on social media and see everything that happens.

4. Include a gift card to a favorite spot inside the Christmas card for those friends or family that you may not see during the holidays to ensure that they know you have been thinking about them.

Remember that when you send traditional cards out in the mail, you want to get these out before Christmas so that they arrive in plenty of time. Most people send all their Christmas cards out the first week of December, giving them plenty of time to get to the recipient. Also, if you receive a lot of cards, go ahead and display these beautiful scenes somewhere in the room with your tree. You will find that this is a great way to show the artistry of the cards that you have received and add even more Christmas decor to your home!