Slim Artificial Christmas Trees: Ombre Effect

What are slim artificial Christmas trees and why are they popular?

One of the newest trends that are on the market for decorating slim artificial Christmas trees is creating an ombre effect on these trees. What is this hombre effect? This is when you have a color that slowly fades up or down to another color. While it may not be the traditional route of decorating slim artificial Christmas trees, this is one of those décor ideas that many people are embracing. Why is this? It is different and colorful, and many people want to ensure that their slim artificial Christmas trees are something that everyone is going to talk about when they see.

Decorating your slim artificial Christmas tree with an ombre effect

So, how can you create this ombre effect? First things first, you need to choose one color. This is not something that is going to work with two or more colors, pick one color that you love and go from there. Once you have this color, then you need to get various hues of this color. For a slim tree, many people find that having three hues is all that they are going to need.

Now, start from the top with the darker hue and place these ornaments onto the slim tree. You will want to ensure that there is a thick number of these ornaments on the top portion of the tree. Next, the middle of the tree with be decorated with the middle hue of this color. Follow the same steps to ensure that this is going to be beautiful. From there, you are going to use the lightest hue on the bottom of the slim tree.

A tip is to ensure that you have tons of ornaments so that you can make these lines very thick so that the hombre effect is seen even more. Also, consider that the topper should be in the same dark color as the top layer.