Artificial Christmas Trees: Peppermint and Candy

When you think of artificial Christmas trees, what comes to mind? For many people it is the reality that these tree may be artificial but they look real enough when decorated right. And for many people, they start to think about all the different themes that they can use to decorate these artificial Christmas trees. One of these themes is one of peppermint and candy. It is a nod to the timeless game of Candyland! Who doesn’t remember playing this game with their siblings, parents, cousins and friends? Using this theme for your artificial Christmas trees can add an air of delight and happiness to the entire holiday. So, how can you do it?

The Perfect Way to Add a Little Peppermint and Candy to Your Holiday Decor

The good news is that with this theme, there really are no rights or wrongs. Whatever you want to do, you can do! If you want nothing but peppermints on the tree, then go for it. If you want to mix in candy ornaments with the more traditional ornaments, then you can do this as well. However, for those who are new to this theme and just looking for inspiration, we have a few tips to remember!

1. Fill in blank spots on your artificial tree with some garland. You can use a solid color like white or silver to help the ornaments on the tree really pop. You will even find that the peppermint is such a popular theme that you can find peppermint colored garland to hang on your tree!

2. Look at the candy ornaments that are out there. You will find cupcakes, chocolate snacks and other types of ornaments that are glass. They are going to be fragile, so be careful. But, you will find that they do add a whimsical feel to the entire tree.

3. You can opt to use real peppermint candy canes if you want! That is the beauty of this theme is that you can use the real candy that is out there if you decide to do so. It can make for a sweet treat that you can actually lift off the tree when you feel like you are needing a little something sweet to eat.

4. You can even make your tree glow with peppermint by using white and red strands of lights throughout it. It is a great way to really make the tree stand out and be something that everyone loves! So, is this the theme for your tree this year?